JUMP TOgetting startedWelcome to Simpplr’s Extensibility CenterHow do I start using the Extensibility CenterHow do I call Simpplr APIs from my custom code?Creating the Client ApplicationGenerate Access Token & Refresh TokenSimpplr API DocumentationAlertsSearch alertsgetCreate a new alertpostUpdate alertputDelete alertdeleteAudienceCreate a new audiencepostUpdate an audienceputDelete an audiencedeleteAuthorizationAuthorizationpostContentGet site by IDgetSearch for contentspostSearch for sitespostGet content by IDgetGet files from a sitepostEnterprise searchPerform enterprise top searchpostPerform enterprise autocomplete searchpostPerform smart answer searchpostNotificationsList all notificationsgetCreate a new notificationpostUpdate notificationputDelete notificationdeletePeopleGet people list with search or filterpostUpdate peoplepatchVideoGet user video tokengetUpdate the video statuspostGet video languages listgetGet paginated search result for native videosgetUpdate the video statuspost https://platform.{env}.simpplr.com/v1/video/entry/updateUpdate the video status for a Kaltura video in Native video service