JUMP TOgetting startedWelcome to Simpplr’s Extensibility CenterHow do I start using the Extensibility CenterHow do I call Simpplr APIs from my custom code?Creating the Client ApplicationGenerate Access Token & Refresh TokenSimpplr API DocumentationAlertsSearch alertsgetCreate a new alertpostUpdate alertputDelete alertdeleteAudienceCreate a new audiencepostUpdate an audienceputDelete an audiencedeleteAuthorizationAuthorizationpostContentGet site by IDgetSearch for contentspostSearch for sitespostGet content by IDgetGet files from a sitepostEnterprise searchPerform enterprise top searchpostPerform enterprise autocomplete searchpostPerform smart answer searchpostNotificationsList all notificationsgetCreate a new notificationpostUpdate notificationputDelete notificationdeletePeopleGet people list with search or filterpostUpdate peoplepatchVideoGet user video tokengetUpdate the video statuspostGet video languages listgetGet paginated search result for native videosgetGet paginated search result for native videosget https://platform.{env}.simpplr.com/v1/video/searchThis API allows you to get paginated search result for native videos